Video and photos on the broad in the prison in which Rumi practiced sex with male prisoners, others
Video and photos of the scandal on the broad and the Tunisian Minister of Interior practiced homosexuality and sex with a prisoner in the prison of Rumi
Video and photos of the scandal on the broad and the Tunisian Minister of Interior practiced homosexuality and sex with a prisoner in the prison of Rumi
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Tunisian political police published a video of Interior Minister Ali broad saying that homosexuality is practiced with the prisoner
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After asking sex video membranes to the Minister of the current range in one of the former Tunisian prisons and away from the video's authenticity or not, the timing suggests strongly put forward by the clash between the self and internal reform in the hotbeds of corruption ...Where the last left over their paper and paper distortion to strike al Qaeda Aljmahria support for a broad, which shocked everyone on the massive demonstration in front of the Interior ...Let us know the full Archive police more videos sexual mutilation of several leaders of the Renaissance to the pressure already on the orientation of their popular bases and hit the ...
The return of the video, it is likely to be under the influence of broad drug makes a special kind of human Maslub will "as long as the style of approach adopted and the Ministry of Interior between Althamniniat and nineties."
Or that the tape combines more than a video to create a movie sexy fabricated.