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 Who is Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston pictures, biography, Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston Wikipedia

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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نقاط : 397520
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/01/1970

Who is Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston pictures, biography, Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston Wikipedia Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Who is Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston pictures, biography, Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston Wikipedia   Who is Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston pictures, biography, Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston Wikipedia Book_yellow_2414/2/2012, 17:35

Who is Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston pictures, biography, Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston Wikipedia
Who is Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston pictures, biography, Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston Wikipedia

Whitney Elizabeth Houston (in English: Whitney Elizabeth Houston); (9 أغسطس 1963 - February 11, 2012), is a pop singer American actress, has won numerous awards, including 21 award from the American Music Awards (AMA) and 6 Awards Grammy and awards Emmy.
As for the area of ​​representation was made ​​to represent a number of films, including Waiting to Exhale and The Preacher's Wife, but her films and most months to achieve the revenue was not The Bodyguard, which produced in 1992 and achieved revenues of $ 410 million globally.
Her death

Died at the age of 48 years on 11 February, 2012 in Beverly Hills, California [1].
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Who is Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston pictures, biography, Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston Wikipedia
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